To see the resource page for CoverWyo 2024, click here.

Open enrollment for the health insurance marketplace is getting closer. When Nov. 1 arrives, will you and your team be ready to help people understand and enroll in health coverage? The annual CoverWyo kickoff event hosted by Enroll Wyoming and the Wyoming Primary Care Association is meant to prepare people for the marketplace changes and challenges.

The upcoming event on Oct. 8-9 at the Rock Springs Holiday Inn at 1675 Sunset Drive will have an extra emphasis on roleplaying and interactive training.


All events at the Patio Room of the Rock Springs Holiday Inn

Tuesday, Oct. 8

8 a.m. to Noon – Optional Unconscious Bias Training
We all hold biases – our brains are naturally wired to establish patterns and associations between information to inform our decision-making. We expressly acknowledge some bias, while we are less perceptive of others. Learn how to identify surface biases to improve equity and objectivity to best serve our consumers when enrolling them in the marketplace. Understand how unconscious bias develops, the areas of the workplace where it can have a negative impact, and how to appropriately address situations where it is present.

Noon – Optional Lunch

1 p.m. – Official Start Including Welcome and Introductions

1:15 p.m. – Why This Work is Important
Stories from the Field
Overview of Duties
What it Means to be an Assister
CACs vs. Navigators
Where to Go for Help
Common Terms

2:30 p.m. – Break/Snack

2:45 p.m. – Listening/Questioning

3:45 p.m. – Practice Time
Sample Scenario for Whole Group
Small Group Roleplay
Enrollment tips

4:30 p.m. – Debrief and Goodbye

Wednesday, Oct. 9

7:30-8 a.m. – Small Group Networking during Continental Breakfast

8-8:15 a.m. – Welcome and Celebrations

8:15-8:45 a.m. – Enrollment Tools
Tax information and Your Role
How to Appeal CMS Decisions
Reviewing Plans Including Changes and Updates
Medicare Fraud
The Department of Insurance is Your Friend
Native Populations

8:45-9:45 a.m. – Guest Speaker

9:45-10:45 a.m. – Guest Speaker Immigration Attorney – Rosie Read (bio coming) & Joe

10:45-11 a.m. – Break

11-11:15 a.m. – Special Enrollment Periods

11:15-11:45 a.m. – Medicaid Roundup
Medicaid Information and SEPs – Dasa
How Medicaid and Marketplace Coexist
Where to Go for Help
Medicaid Renewal

11:45 a.m. to Noon – Thank You and Goodbyes


To register for the event, click HERE.

To register for a discounted room, follow one of the following steps by Friday, Sept. 27. 
1. Call 307-382-9200 option 2 and ask to book in The Enroll Wyoming room block for the days needed;
2. Call 1-800 465-4329 and ask them to book in Enroll Wyoming (EWY) code block
3. Click on this link.